Would you like to spend a day shopping or sightseeing in Munich? Travel in comfort and at a low-price from Reutte to the Bavarian capital - by taking the DB Regio Oberbayern Werdenfelsbahn. There are nine direct connections per day from Reutte in Tyrol to Munich and back. With the low-cost Regio Ticket Werdenfels, you can enjoy your excursion without any traffic jams. The train station in Munich also offers numerous spacious lockers, where you can temporarily store your purchases. Tip for globetrotters: With only one change in Munich Pasing, the airport-S-Bahn will get you to the departure terminal in around 50 minutes so you can experience the perfect start to your holiday.
Validity of Regio Ticket Werdenfels: From Reutte/Vils to Munich Airport, from 12:00 midnight to 3:00 the following day on the Werdenfelsbahn trains and the Munich S-Bahn trains
Prices: Lone travellers: €23 | per accompanying passenger: €8 (a maximum of five passengers possible). In addition, up to three children between the ages of 6 and 14 can also travel free of charge.
Points of sale: Werdenfelsbahn | all DB-points of sale | all DB-vending machines throughout the applicable area of validity | on the Internet - can also be booked as a mobile phone ticket.
Additional information:
Further information can be found on the Deutschen Bahn homepage.
Werdenfels network line plan